Jun 30, 2023

Duplicate content on your Shopify site could be hurting your SEO!

Duplicate content is an issue that can arise on Shopify websites, especially if you're using a theme that has pre-built templates. Duplicate content is when the same content appears on multiple pages of your website or across different websites. This can hurt your SEO as search engines may have a hard time determining which version of the content to rank. In this article, we will discuss how to find duplicate content caused by your Shopify theme and how to fix it to improve your website's SEO.

What is Duplicate Content on Shopify?

As mentioned earlier, duplicate content occurs when the same content appears on multiple pages or different websites. This can happen when you're using a theme that has pre-built templates, and you're not customising it enough to make it unique. For example, if you have multiple product pages that share the same description, your website may have duplicate content.

How to Find Duplicate Content Caused by Your Shopify Theme?

There are various tools that you can use to find duplicate content on your website, but the easiest way is to use Google. Here's how you can find duplicate content on your website using Google:

  • - Go to Google and type "site:yourwebsite.com" in the search bar.
  • - Replace "yourwebsite.com" with your actual website URL.
  • - Hit enter, and Google will display all the pages on your website that it has indexed.

Now, you can scan through the search results to see if any pages have the same content. If you find any duplicate content, you need to take immediate action to fix it.

How to Fix Duplicate Content on Shopify?

Once you've identified the duplicate content on your website, you need to take the necessary steps to fix it. Here are some ways you can fix duplicate content on Shopify:

Rewrite the content - If you have duplicate content on different pages, you can rewrite the content to make it unique. This will help search engines to understand which content is original and relevant.

Use canonical tags - Canonical tags are HTML tags that tell search engines which page is the original version of the content. This is useful if you have multiple pages with similar content. By using canonical tags, you can ensure that search engines understand which page to rank.

Remove duplicate content - If you have pages that serve no purpose, you can remove them. This will reduce the amount of duplicate content on your website and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages.

How Will This Improve Your SEO?

By fixing duplicate content on your Shopify website, you can improve your SEO. Here's how:

Better rankings - When you have unique and relevant content, search engines will rank your website higher. This will help you to get more organic traffic.

Improved user experience - Duplicate content can confuse visitors and hurt their experience on your website. By fixing it, you can improve the user experience, which can lead to more engagement and conversions.

Avoid penalties - If search engines find that you have duplicate content on your website, they may penalise you. This can hurt your rankings and make it difficult to recover. By fixing duplicate content, you can avoid penalties and maintain your rankings.

So what next?

Duplicate content can be a significant issue for your Shopify website, but it's not difficult to fix. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can identify duplicate content and take the necessary steps to fix it. This will help you to improve your SEO, get more organic traffic, and provide a better user experience to your visitors.


For more information on how to improve your SEO, contact our team today.