Wellington Social Media Marketing Services

To get to the top of the food chain in today’s climate you need to take advantage of everything at your disposal. Knowing how, and where, to cast your net far and wide will result in a bountiful catch. Luckily for you, our Squids have their tentacles on the pulse. We know exactly what currents to follow for you to reach your audience like never before.

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Social Media Marketing

Our Wellington Squids offer specialised Social Media Marketing across the digital ecosystem across New Zealand and the wider globe. Social Media Marketing includes creating unique campaigns using sound strategies, creative design and compelling stories. Then the real work begins with the ongoing management, tracking and analysis of your campaigns, and automating as much as possible to leverage time.

In this digital age you must adapt to the ever-changing seas. As of 2018 there are over 3-billion people active on social media. You don’t need huge numbers to make a positive impact on your business’ bottom line. It’s about attracting the right customers with unique social media content marketing that resonates with the right audience for your business.

By tracking your online web traffic through Google analytics we can optimise and automate your content. To view our analytics & automation services, click here.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

  • Increased brand awareness.
  • Increased brand authority.
  • Increased customer satisfaction.
  • Better SEO rankings.
  • Increased site traffic.
  • Customer trust and loyalty.
  • Higher conversion rates.
  • Resonate quickly with your audience.
  • Gather user insights.
  • Low cost, high reward.
  • Leverage multichannel campaigns.
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Social Media Platforms

Our Squids use HootSuite’s dashboard for managing multi-channel campaigns across the digital sea. This means we can leverage various types of social media marketing to get you where you need to be.

Reach the top of the Wellington food chain

In the age of social media, digital marketing is crucial for growth and relevancy. To successfully grow your business through strategic social media marketing, get in touch with a Squid from the most hooked-up digital marketing agency in the Pacific.